Major Avi Nardia (IDF Res.) is one of the leading official instructors for the Israeli Army and Israeli Police in the field of Counter Terrorism and CQB (Close Quarters Battle). He specializes in training Special Forces, counter terrorism units, military, law enforcement, and civilians (including disabled society) all over the world in self defense as well as both modern and traditional martial arts. He served in a special police unit as an intelligence team member and as a defensive tacticts/CQB instructor, with the rank of Staff Sergeant Major (NCO). In his 24 years of service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), he earned the rank of Major, took part in the „Shlom Hagalil“ war, serving 3 years outside of Israel’s borders.
Major Nardia has trained law enforcement agencies and military units all over the world, including but not limited to Police Patrol, Correcttion Officers, SWAT, SRT, SERT, as well as Army, Marine, and Special Forces.
In Israel, he taught defensive tactics and operational behavior at the Operational Police Academy, which is charged with training the country’s entire police force.
He is one of a handful of instructors to have been an official instructor for the Israeli army, Israeli Police, and Israeli counter terror units.
Military, Law Enforcement, Governmental and Civilian Experience
- Certified Olympic fencing Instructor (Foil, Saber, Epee) by Wingate Sport Insitute
- Certified Jiujutsu Instructor by Israeli Ministry of Sport
- Certified Kendo Instructor by Israeli Ministry of Sport
- Certified Thai Boxing Instructor by Israeli Ministry of Sport
- Certified Coach by Wingate Sport Insitute
- Certified Fitness Instructor by Tel Aviv University
- Certified Personal Trainer by Tel Aviv University
- Certified Athletic Trainer by Wingate Sport Institute
- Certified Sport Therapist by Wingate Sport Institute
- Certified Rapelling Instructor by Wingate Sport Institute
- Certified Diving Instructor
- Certified Boxing Instructor
- Certified in Israeli and Traditional Martial Arts (Kendo, Iaido, Jodo, Jiujutsu, BJJ, Muay Thai, Karate, Kyudo)
- Member Israeli Rugby National team for 5 years along with other top teams as Physiotherapist/Athletic Trainer
- Certified Krav Maga Instructor by the Israeli Army (IDF)
- Certified Hagana Atzmit / Defensive Tactics Instructor by the Israeli Police
- Certified Head International Instructor under Lt. Colonel Chaim Pe’er, head of the International Kapap Federation
- Certified Shooting Instructor (Rifle, Shotgun, Handgun)
- Certified Range Safety Officer by the NRA
- Certified PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor
- Certified Saber Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors Instructor
Additional Civilian Experience
Major Nardia specialized in teaching civilians Kapap at Tel-Aviv University with Lt. Colonel Chaim Peer, one of the founders of Kapap. He also taught at Bar-Ilan University and Spivak Handicapped Center.
Courses ranged from Traditional Martial Arts to Olympic Fencing and Theatrical Combat at Tel Aviv University. He was also involved with the Israeli Social Service program in teaching Kapap-Self Defense to battered women and rape victims.
After receiving certification as an Athletic Trainer from the Wingate Institute, he was the Physiotherapist /Athletic Trainer for the Israeli National Rugby team for five years, and participated in the World Rugby Sevens Games in Uruguay in 1995 and 5 International Macabia Games. Major Nardia also spent two years as the Athletic Trainer of the Herzliya National League Handball and Basketball teams, dealing with various sport injuries.